Clubs & Extracurriculars


Welcome to Sizer School, home of the White Tigers!

This year promises to be an amazing year with all of the many clubs that will be forming during the beginning of the school year. Through participation in the clubs, students will become a part of the rich tradition of our school. Research has shown that participation in extracurricular activities is a great predictor for success in adult life. Positive participation in activities also shows students level of commitment in their school. The opportunities for making friends, achieving personal growth, traveling to new places and developing new skills are limitless.

The Sizer School staff encourages students to get involved in the afterschool program. Please take the time to read this handbook and review the process with your club members as well. The purpose of this handbook is to provide Clubs and their Advisors the information and the forms needed to successfully function as a school club and navigate the paperwork required to hold events and fundraisers. In order to start a club, the Application, Roster, and the Advisor Contract need to be turned into the Enrichment Coordinator as soon as possible. The club will not be approved until this paperwork has been submitted. Copies of required forms to charter your club, as well as commonly used forms are included in this handbook. All questions should be directed to your club advisor, but you can also ask the Enrichment Coordinator.

As a Sizer Club, you are making an invaluable difference by involving students in the school, building relationships, and serving as positive role models. It is our expectation that clubs will be active in the school community and participate in school-wide events. Clubs should advertise on campus, in the daily end of the day announcements and in the Friday Flash. Sizer School is able to provide a safe and welcoming place for students to meet and discuss their similar interests under staff supervision within the school.

We hope you have a great school year!

Enrichment Coordinator

Phone: 978.345.2701 Ext. 411

Email: [email protected]

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