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World Citizenship: Government & Economics

Teacher: Mr. Tenreiro

Overview: Regardless of our country of origin or citizenship, we belong to a greater community of people on earth. The choices we make on a daily basis may have consequences on the other side of the world.The goal of this course is to enlighten and engage you to the diversity of governmental and economic systems that exist in the contemporary world as well as to hone Social Studies skills associated with college level work. Modern day nation-states will be examined with regard to both historical context and modern day conflict in an attempt to discover both the benefits and consequences of their choices within our interconnected world.We will attempt to understand the theory of globalization as well as the development, costs, and benefits of international systems.We will look to the origins of these systems through analysis of a variety of primary documents and secondary sources.

World Literature I (11th- Mrs. McDowell)

Teacher: Ms. McDowell

Throughout this survey course of World Literature, students will develop a curiosity for, and understanding of: themes, ideas, writing conventions and cultures.� This year-long class will engage students in analysis, synthesis,�creative�writing, reading, expository writing, critical thinking, discussions, discovery, and research.�

World Literature 1

Teacher: Ms. McDowell

Write a concise and interesting paragraph here that explains what this course is about

Summer Reading

Teacher: Ms. Niemi

Summer Reading assignments for 11th and 12th grades.

Physics, Fall 2007

Teacher: Ms Tarantino

Chemistry, Fall 2007

Teacher: Ms Tarantino

In this college preparatory class students will examine the laws and theories of chemistry, including atomic and molecular structure, chemical bonding, properties of solutions, kinetic-molecular theory, stoichiometry, and acid/base chemistry. Students will come to understand the science they see around them including how antacids work, why the Statue of Liberty is green, why rust forms, how chemical ice packs work, why putting salt on roads in winter melts ice, how batteries work and the changes that allow a refrigerator to keep food cold. Students who do well in the class may choose to take the SAT II Chemistry test.

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