About Us
NCCES is a free public school where students are known personally, challenged intellectually, and expected to participate actively in their learning. Guided by our commitment to diversity and inclusiveness, our goal is to send graduates into the world who think for themselves, care about others, and act creatively and responsibly.
NCCES offers an ideal learning environment for students willing to work hard and who demonstrate academic commitment.
A Charter School
A charter school is a public school that is managed by a board of trustees and operates independently of any school committee under a five-year charter granted by the Board of Education.
Click here to download Charter School Fact Sheet. 
Click on our NCCES Staff page to see a listing of Board of Trustee members.
An Essential School
NCCES helps students to develop essential knowledge, skills, habits of mind, and strong personal attributes, preparing them to become productive members of society.
NCCES graduates have the skills they need to approach new situations with openness and confidence, a solid foundation of knowledge, essential skills and habits, and a sense of their own identity.
NCCES is a member of the Coalition of Essential Schools. Our leaders and teachers adhere to the Ten Common Principles of the Coalition of Essential Schools to help students grow intellectually and learn to use their minds well.