| This unique after-school program will revolve around theatre games and exercises that focus on exploring the “self”. Students will create pieces about their lives and experiences, both serious and humorous. We will explore dreams/nightmares and childhood memories for material. The goal is to develop a short performance piece by the end of the process. This is a great opportunity to practice acting skills, and get to know yourself (and your classmates) in a deeper way, while having a great time! Class meets on Monday and Tuesday after school in the Black Box (or space TBA). You will need a journal. Please sign up outside of Room 203 by Friday, 1/16 if you are interested in participating.
Dates: 1/26, 1/27, 2/2, 2/3, 2/9, 2/10, 2/23, (possibly 2/24), 3/2, 3/3, with final showcase on 3/6. |