NCCES CourseWorks

Ms Tarantino

Chemistry and Environmental Science

I grew up in a large science loving family (my dad was chemist who used bring his work home with him). I was fortunate enough to have grown up during a time when America was focusing on renewing science achievement in schools. The Apollo Program, the first Earth Day, the growth of nuclear power plants and Star Trek all fueled my interest in science. I went on to receive a BS from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute( and more recently a MS from UMASS Lowell (

I am very committed to creating a secondary science education that encourages new talent in the field.

Science and math education today must search for ways to engage students who grew up on PlayStation, MTV, instant messaging etc. I choose to be a science teacher because I want to ensure that the pool of scientists for the 21st century will be strong, diverse and creative.


Fitchburg, United States of America

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