Food Services

Research shows students learn better when they’re well nourished. Healthy eating has been linked to higher grades, better memory, more alertness, faster information processing and improved health leading to better school attendance. Conversely, unhealthy eating habits can negatively affect learning.

Start the Day Right with Breakfast:

Skipping breakfast can have a negative impact on learning. It’s also important to eat a high-quality breakfast that includes fruits, vegetables, nuts, and whole-grain breads and cereals. Research has shown that starting the day with a nutritious breakfast helps students stay alert and perform better in school.

Did you know that at Sizer School we offer breakfast twice each day? Breakfast is available to our students daily:

  • before school starts: 7:30am until 7:50am
  • during "B-Fit" at 9:42am until 9:54am

Early breakfast options includes:

  • assorted pasteries
  • pancakes
  • french toast
  • assorted cereals
  • assorted fruits
  • juice options

"B-Fit" Breakfasts include:

  • assorted cereals
  • assorted fruites
  • juice options

The cost for each breakfast option is only:

  • $1.25 for full pay
  • $0.30 for reduced price
  • free lunch participants = free

Feed your body, feed your mind!

Stay Alert with Lunch:

Kids who eat healthy are more likely to be in school and participating. Without proper nutrition and adequate calories, students often don’t have enough energy to power the brain, resulting in fatigue and learning problems.

Trashing Junk Food:

Students who eat lots of junk food are more likely to fall behind in school. A study of public school students published in the Journal of School Health linked high intake of sweetened beverages, such as sugary sodas to lower scores on math tests. A diet high in junk food and sugary sodas is also linked to childhood obesity, which could result in lower cognitive functioning, according to 2011 Yale University research. On the other hand, students with healthy eating habits are less likely to be obese and more likely to learn well.

The Sizer School Wellness Policy:

The Wellness Policy focuses on educating and supporting students and staff to make healthy choices with regard to nutrition and physical activity. Sizer School, a North Central Charter Essential School promotes life-long wellness through collaboration between curriculum, after-school activities, and community connections.

The wellness committee will continue to establish and expand on the wellness guidelines to support the five focus areas. To review a full copy of this policy, please see the attached document below.

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