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Free and Reduced Lunch


Sizer School, a North Central Charter Essential School provides breakfast and lunch to the students and adults of the school. Sizer School operates a viable, sustainable, and healthy nutrition program. It is the Policy of Sizer School that: No child will be denied lunch.

Because unpaid meal charges place a financial strain on the School, the Sizer School lunch meals charging parameters are as follows:

  • Sizer School allows the courtesy of allowing a student to charge up to 5 reimbursablemeals.
  • Staff may also charge up to 5 meals.
  • Once this limit is exhausted an alternative reimbursable lunch will be provided until the account becomes current. Alternative reimbursable lunches will be charged at the current lunch price.
  • There will be no charging of breakfast at Sizer School.

Scope of Responsibility:
The Food Services Coordinator shall be responsible for maintaining charge records and notifying parents of outstanding balances. The Coordinator will be responsible for forwarding written notification home to the parent / guardian of the student. The Parents / Guardians shall be responsible for all outstanding balances and payment of meals. The Board of Trustees authorizes the Executive Director or designee to develop procedures for provision of meals and collection offees consistent with this policy.

Free and Reduced Applications:
All students will receive a packet containing the application for Free and Reduced Meals during the summer. A yearly application must be submitted to continue any previous benefits. Please fill out one application for your entire family and send it back to Sizer School. PLEASE DO NOT FILL OUT APPLICATIONS FOR EACH INDIVIDUAL CHILD. Please return this application even if you think you do not qualify. Sizer School, a North Central Charter Essential School receives additional funding for other school programs based on this information.

We thank you for your time in completing this application and we appreciate your participation in our programs.

Board Approval: 08/12/2013

To apply for Free and Reduced Lunches, please refer to the attached applications below.

  1. HOME