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Friday Flash October 17, 2014

Kids should be allowed to break stuff more often. That's a consequence of exploration.
-Neil deGrasse Tyson

We are very excited to invite you to our Open House and Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony a week from tomorrow! Please see the front of the Flash for a message from Executive Director Davolos, inviting you to the event.

But before that…Tuesday night is the first Movie Night of the year, sponsored by the tenth grade team to make sure every sophomore has the means to participate in the annual New York City trip in the spring. The movie will be “Hocus Pocus”, and there will be refreshments for sale also. As always…more details in the Flash!

There is a brand new opportunity for Division I students to join an after-school chorus with Mrs. Cordio. If you’ve attended any of our chorus performances in the last year, you’re aware of the amazing performance and musical growth our students achieve under her instruction. The after-school chorus is a wonderful opportunity to take advantage of this, even if the chorus class does not fit into your student’s schedule. Details in Flash, or Mrs. Cordio would be happy to hear from you with questions.

It’s Sizer School Spirit Week next week-please encourage your student to participate.
Do remember: All outfits must be in compliance with the Student handbook dress code.

There is much more in the Flash; please go over it with your student to make sure they are aware of all the opportunities available to them. Have a great weekend, and we’ll see you on Monday.

Wednesday-half-day for students, dismissal at noon.

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