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NCCES Framework for Exemplary Teaching

Each year nearly 400 students from 30 different communities walk through the front doors at North Central Charter Essential School. We do whatever it takes to deeply understand who each and every student is - as a person, as a learner, and as a citizen. We meet each student where they are and then challenge them to be better. At NCCES, no matter what your current circumstances are, you can come to a nurturing, safe school that embraces who you are. Through high support, expectations and accountability, we insist that all students grow academically and socially every minute they are with us – that they become their best selves.

We believe that educating children is a collaborative endeavor, and that families, students, staff, and other allies must engage in continuous dialogue and data analysis to ensure a personalized and rigorous educational program for each and every learner.

We believe that if you work hard, you become smarter and more capable, and we expect students’ personal best when they are writing an essay, playing on the athletic field, riding the bus, solving a math problem, and when they inevitably make mistakes.

We don’t know what knowledge and skills will be valued and essential ten or twenty years from now, but NCCES graduates will be self-directed learners who know how to seek the resources they need to bypass obstacles.

Guided by our mission, the CES Common Principles, and the North Central Six, we gauge our success by what students know and can do as a direct result of their time with us.

To review how we accomplish our goals, please refer to the below blue link to review our Framework for Exemplary Teaching:

  1. HOME