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Friday Flash January 23, 2015

“The beautiful rests on the foundations of the necessary”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Good afternoon, and hopefully a happy Friday for you!

There will be professional development for teachers on Monday and Tuesday next week, so there is no school for students on Monday and Tuesday for students. We hope they have a fun, joyful, and safe four-day weekend.

Parents, please read the item on page two, looking for families willing to participate in the DESE visit in February. Your participation is crucial to the visit. Students are also invited!

Our second open mic night of the year is next Friday, January 30. Admission is free. We have some great talent lined up!
Lots more news in the Flash-please check with your student to make sure they know what opportunities await, via the Flash.

Have a safe, warm, non-slippery weekend, and we’ll see you on Wednesday, the start of Semester 2.

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