North Central Charter Essential School


Where students think, care and act

NCCES Foundation

The NCCES Foundation supports student learning and achievement at the North Central Charter Essential School by:

  • Raising funds that support the mission of the North Central Charter Essential School
  • Providing financial support that gives low income families full access to the school’s programs.
  • Serving as a link between the school and the external community

The Foundation raises money through direct fundraising campaigns, proposals to private foundations, and competitive grant applications. Private donations to the NCCES Foundation have ranged from $3 to $200,000.

To date, the NCCES Foundation has:

  • Raised more than $600,000 in gifts for furnishings and equipment and to support special initiatives
  • Provided the local match for the SCORE peer mediation program
  • Sponsored field trip expenses for low income students
  • Contributed athletic and other user fees for low income students.

Donations to NCCES Foundation allow low income students to play interscholastic soccer, field hockey, basketball and lacrosse; attend plays in Boston, Worcester, Cambridge and New York; hike and camp in the White Mountains of New Hampshire; and attend many other expeditionary learning experiences.

“The words Charter and Essential are key to why I’m supporting NCCES. I am attracted to the entrepreneurial nature of charter schools and the Essential School philosophy championed by the Sizers has a great deal of merit”
- Ron Ansin

“We have been involved in the start-up of many small schools and recognize that like small businesses; these organizations need an influx of capital early to be successful. We hope that the Ansin-Sizer Challenge Grant will provide an incentive for area people and businesses to invest in NCCES.”
-Ted Sizer


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North Central Charter Essential School, 1 Oak Hill Road, Fitchburg, Massachusetts 01420
Phone: 978.345.2701 | Fax: 978.345.9127 | email: info at

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