Health Services
School Health Mission Statement
School Health Services provided
School Health Regulations
Contagious Symptoms
Health Forms 
School Nurse:
Peggy Gosselin
(978) 345-2701 ext. 407
E-mail: gosselinp at ncces.org
School Health Mission Statement
The school nurse actively enhances learning by promoting a healthy student population’s attendance in school. This will be achieved by nursing assessment and interventions, and health promotion in a safe and caring environment, and collaboration with the educational team and community agencies.
School Health Services provided
Nursing assessment and intervention.
Health counseling & information.
Medication administration.
Maintain Health Records.
First aid response and care.
State mandated health screenings.
Communicable disease control.
Manage medical emergencies.
Linkage to community resources.
State Mandated-Yearly Screenings
Vision & Hearing All Grades
Height & Weight (body mass index calculated)) All Grades
Scoliosis/Postural Grades 7-9
Any student that fails a screening or falls outside of the normal limits for any screening will receive a letter of notification to their home.
School Health Regulations
All medications, prescription and over the counter must have; a signed doctor’s order, written parental consent, must be in an original container and kept in the nurse’s office.
Epi-pens and inhalers may be carried by a student under special circumstances; with a physician’s order kept in the nurse’s office and permission by the school nurse.
Medications must be brought to school by an adult and picked up at the end of school year by an adult.
Health records must have all required immunizations to attend school, (incoming 7th graders must have a tetanus booster (Td) and Hepatitis B series - 3 shots, and documentation of having chicken pox or the vaccination) unless religious or medical exemptions in writing apply.
If vaccination documentation is not provided, the student will be subject to exclusion from school.
Physical examinations are required for any new student transferring to a new school, and for all students going into grades 7 and 11, per state requirements.
Student’s playing a school sponsored sport must have a yearly updated physical to participate in that sport.
Outing club trips or overnight field trips: any student that normally takes their medication at home before the school day or in the evening after school, will need to have their parent and physician fill out a medication/permission order form, bring medication in the original container to the nurse office and have updated emergency information on file. An up-to-date physical exam needs to be on file in the nurse's office for overnight trips.
Please keep your child home from school if she/he has any of the following symptoms
If she /he has a temperature of 100 degrees F. or greater
A persistent cough or cold
Vomiting or diarrhea within the past 12 hours
A skin rash that cannot be identified
Red, itchy eyes with drainage (pink eye)
A contagious illness (chickenpox, strep throat)
Head or body lice with nits (eggs) on the hair.
Health Forms