North Central Charter Essential School
Where students think, care and act

Our Community

Our students

NCCES is a safe learning environment, because we have a strong sense of community and students are known well and know each other well. Middle and high school students from close to 30 cities and towns from across north central Massachusetts attend our school. This mixture has been an asset as we have worked together to form a community, finding our commonalties and bridging our differences.

Our Neighborhood

The North Central Charter Essential School is located The Massachusetts Innovation Center (MIC), a 300,000 square foot mill building in the Cleghorn neighborhood of Fitchburg. We are a living, breathing example of how ‘smart growth’ principles can be applied to the world of public education and contribute to the revitalization of our area.

Making a Difference in North Central Massachusetts

Students and teachers have done service projects by assisting at Meals on Wheels, Habitat for Humanity, as well as undertaking neighborhood, cemetery and Nashua River clean-ups. We have successfully formed a community of learning.


About Us | Admissions | Academics | Library | Families | Giving | Contact Us | Access.

North Central Charter Essential School, 1 Oak Hill Road, Fitchburg, Massachusetts 01420
Phone: 978.345.2701 | Fax: 978.345.9127 | email: info at

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